NORDEN's participation in Accelerated Book-built Offering

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Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S                                    Announcement no. 8
Nikolaj Plads 6                                                   10 March 2009
1067 Copenhagen K

NORDEN's participation in Accelerated Book-built Offering

In continuation of previously published announcement about Kristiansands
Tankrederi A/S' partial sale of its shareholding in NORDEN, the Board of
Directors of NORDEN has decided that NORDEN intends to participate in
Kristiansands Tankrederi A/S' Accelerated Book-built Offering, provided that
the pricing is satisfactory, and acquire shares with a value of up to USD 10

The acquisition of treasury shares is made in accordance with the authorisation
given to the Board of Directors of NORDEN at the ordinary general meeting on 23
April 2008. 

                                    Kind regards,
                           Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S

                                     Mogens Hugo

Contact at tel. +45 3315 0451: Mogens Hugo, Chairman, and Carsten Mortensen,
President & CEO. 

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The shares referenced in this announcement will not be registered under the
United States Securities Act of 1933 and may not be offered or sold in the
United States absent an exemption from such registration. 


                           Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S
                                 52, Strandvejen
                                 DK-2900 HELLERUP