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  • Statement of leading employees' and elected employee representatives' transactions with NORDEN shares and related securities

Statement of leading employees' and elected employee representatives' transactions with NORDEN shares and related securities

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Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S                                    Announcement no. 4
Nikolaj Plads 6                                                 26 January 2010
1067 Copenhagen K

Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S
Statement of leading employees' and elected employee representatives'
transactions with NORDEN shares and related securities 

According to the Danish Securities Trading Act, section 28A, the Company shall
report the following information about above mentioned persons' and their
closely related parties' transactions with the Company's shares and relevant

Leading employees:

Names:                 Carsten Mortensen, Lars Bagge Christensen, Kristian
                       Wærness, Martin Badsted, Lars Lundegaard, Vibeke
                       Schneidermann, Peter Norborg, Peter Borup, Michael
                       Tønnes Jørgensen 
Occasion:              Allotment of employee shares
Issuer:                Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S
ISIN code:             DK0010269844
Description:           Shares
Transaction:           Allotment of employee shares in accordance with the
                       Danish Tax Assessment Act, section 7A, subsection 1,     
                       no. 2 
Commercial date:       22 January 2010
Market:                NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S
Number:                96 shares to each of the above mentioned persons, total
Market value in DKK:   203,930 (in total for 864 shares)

Holding after the transaction:
Carsten Mortensen        26,240 shares    233,226 options
Lars Bagge Christensen    2,560 shares     84,982 options
Kristian Wærness          1,597 shares     46,341 options
Martin Badsted            1,440 shares     43,021 options
Lars Lundegaard             440 shares     54,521 options
Vibeke Schneidermann        440 shares     22,821 options
Peter Norborg               440 shares     74,242 options
Peter Borup                 320 shares     60,062 options
Michael Tønnes Jørgensen     96 shares     36,003 options

Elected employee representatives:

Names:                 Benn Pyrmont Johansen, Lars Enkegaard Billmann, Bent
                       Torry Sørensen 
Occasion:              Allotment of employee shares
Issuer:                Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S
ISIN code:             DK0010269844
Description:           Shares
Transaction:           Allotment of employee shares in accordance with the
                       Danish Tax Assessment Act, section 7A, subsection 1,    
                       no. 2 
Commercial date:       22 January 2010
Market:                NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S
Number:                96 shares to each of the above mentioned persons, total
Market value in DKK:   67,977 (in total for 288 shares)

Holding after the transaction:
Benn Pyrmont Johansen       320 shares          0 options
Lars Enkegaard Billmann     440 shares          0 options
Bent Torry Sørensen         440 shares          0 options

                                 Kind regards,
                        Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S

                              Carsten Mortensen
                               President & CEO

Contact at tel. +45 3315 0451: Carsten Mortensen, President & CEO.


                        Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S
                              52, Strandvejen
                              DK-2900 HELLERUP
                              CVR no. 67758919