TORM's shareholding in NORDEN

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Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S

The Copenhagen Stock Exchange                           Announcement No. 7 
Nikolaj Plads 6                                              28 March 2007 
DK-1067 Copenhagen K                                           Page 1 of 1 

TORM's shareholding in NORDEN

According to the stock announcement made yesterday by A/S Dampskibsselskabet
TORM (TORM), TORM has decided to conduct a book building with the intention to
sell TORM's shareholding in Dampskibsselskabet “NORDEN” A/S (NORDEN). According
to the registration in the register of shareholders, TORM owns 752,330 shares in
NORDEN equivalent to 32.7% of NORDEN's nominal share capital.

NORDEN's Board of Directors has a positive view of the possibility to achieve a
broader circle of owners and a more liquid share which TORM's book building
implies. Provided that the pricing is satisfactory, NORDEN intends to take part
in TORM's book building and purchase an addition of up to 2% of the share
capital by which NORDEN's holding of treasury shares will amount to a total of
7.9% of the total share capital. If the book building is concluded after
NORDEN's annual general meeting on 25 April 2007, it is also a condition that
the general meeting renews the Board's authorisation to purchase treasury

                                 Kind regards
                      Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S

                           Mogens Hugo Jørgensen

Contact person: Mogens Hugo Jørgensen, Chairman, tel. +45 33 15 04 51.

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                  Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S
                           49, Amaliegade
                         DK-1256 COPENHAGEN K
