Nordhealth AS: Initiating Offer To Buy Back Own Shares

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(November 30th, 2023) Nordhealth AS (the «Company») hereby launches an offer to purchase up to 1,000,000 of its own shares (the «Offering»). The Offering will be carried out as a reversed book-building process where the Company, through Carnegie AS («Carnegie»), will receive offers for desired volume(s) for sale from the shareholders.

All shareholders in the Company are invited to sell shares in the Offering, subject to the restrictions set out herein.

The Company has mandated Carnegie as bookrunner for the Offering and shareholders with interest to sell shares may contact Carnegie via email or by phone +47 22 00 93 40 before the end of the Application Period (as defined below).

The Offering starts on December 1st, 2023 at 09:00 CET and will close no later than December 6th 2023 at 16:30 CET (the «Application Period»). The final price offered by the Company and the allocation of tendered shares are expected to be resolved by the Company on or about December 6th 2023, the trade date is expected to be on or about December 6th 2023 and the settlement date is expected to be on or about December 7th 2023. The settlement will be conducted on a normal delivery-versus-payment basis. The Company reserves the right to extend the Application Period at its own discretion. If the Application Period is extended, the other dates referred to herein may be amended accordingly.

The shares will be purchased at a maximum price of NOK 23.50 per share, which is in line with the 30 days average volume weighted average price (VWAP) of the Company’s shares. The final purchase price will be identical for all selling shareholders.

The Company will in the event of receiving offers exceeding a total of 1,000,000 shares, allocate shares at its discretion in accordance with the best interest of the Company, taking into account the prices and volumes offered, with equal treatment of the shareholders as the primary objective.

The Company reserves the right to, at its own discretion buy back fewer shares or no shares at all, to terminate the Offering or make any amendments regarding the volume or other terms of the Offering at any time until the time of completion of the Offering.

Any shares acquired as part of the Offering will be used as consideration in future acquisitions by the Company, as part the employee share program, or absent of this, be cancelled. Any shares purchased will be held in treasury until used for any of the above purposes.

The Offering is launched, and any repurchases are made, in accordance with the authorization granted to the board of directors by the Company’s general meeting held on 24 April 2023.

For further information, please contact:

Carnegie AS or +47 22 00 93 40

Charles Macbain, CEO

Mari Orttenvuori, CFO

About Nordhealth

Nordhealth is a publicly listed, fast-growing cloud-based healthcare SaaS company on a mission to redefine digital healthcare. We build software that empower veterinary and therapy professionals to provide the best possible care experiences to their patients. Our products serve more than 50,000 veterinary and therapy professionals across 13,000 clinics and hospitals located in over 30 countries.

Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, Nordhealth has a solid footprint in the Nordic region and a growing presence internationally, with more than 380 employees working either remotely or from offices (collaboration hubs). Visit the company’s website at
