The European Investment Fund

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The European Investment Fund Selects Nordic Baltic Holding for environmental loans The European Investment Fund (EIF) has selected Nordic Baltic Holding (NBH) for its environmental loans. Under the Growth and Environment Scheme sponsored by the European Union, the EIF offers free-of-charge guarantees to at least one bank in each member states enabling participating banks, in turn, to provide better financing terms. NBH can provide environmental loans on beneficial terms for environmentally-friendly investments to companies with up to 100 employees. The investments should produce significant environmental benefits or be carried out by companies active in the eco-industry. These environmental loans are available at all three Nordic Baltic Holding banks, Nordbanken in Sweden, Merita Bank in Finland and Unibank in Denmark. For further information: Swante Mellström, Corporate Retail Banking, +46 8 614 9777 Tapio Pesola, Corporate Retail Banking, +358 9 165 53729 Birgitte Petersen, Corporate Retail Banking, +45 3333 5981 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by BIT The following files are available for download: