Cidron II A/S completes its voluntary tender offer to the shareholders of Kompan A/S

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For the Copenhagen Stock Exchange and the Press Copenhagen, 7 March 2005 Cidron II A/S (‘Cidron II’) on 30 January 2005 announced a voluntary tender offer to all shareholders of Kompan A/S (‘Kompan’). The offer, which was unanimously recommended by the board of directors of Kompan, was DKK 1,250 per share and expired on Friday 4 March 2005 at 9 p.m. (CET). At the expiry of the offer period, Cidron II had received valid acceptances from shareholders representing A shares of a nominal value of DKK 12,000,000 and B shares of a nominal value of DKK 43,738,500 corresponding to 96.0% of the share capital and 98.6% of the votes in Kompan (excluding Kompan’s holding of own shares). As stated in the stock exchange announcement of 24 February 2005, Cidron II has obtained all necessary approvals from the German and Norwegian competition authorities. The other conditions of the tender offer have at present all been met. The tender offer will therefore be completed in accordance with its terms with payment on 10 March 2005 to those shareholders who have accepted the tender offer. Cidron II will then in accordance with the Danish Securities Trading Act §§ 31-32 announce a mandatory tender offer to those shareholders of Kompan A/S, who have not accepted the voluntary tender offer. The mandatory tender offer is expected to be announced by Cidron II in early April 2005. Cidron II will as soon as possible – and in accordance with the voluntary tender offer – seek to initiate compulsory redemption of the remaining shares in Kompan and in this connection seek to delist the B-shares of Kompan from the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. Cidron II will in the near future ask Kompan to convene an extraordinary general meeting for the purpose of taking the necessary resolutions in relation to the compulsory redemption and delisting. Cidron II A/S Board of Directors For further information, please contact: Christian Dyvig, Partner, Nordic Capital, phone +45 33 44 77 50 Not for distribution in the US, Canada, Australia or Japan


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