Nordic LEVEL Technology signs its largest contract for technical fire protection for data centers

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Nordic LEVEL Technology AB, part of Nordic LEVEL Group AB (publ.), continues to strengthen its position in technical security and fire protection for data centers by signing a strategically important agreement with Winthrop Technologies Sweden AB, one of Europe's leading players in data centers. The agreement, which is the largest in technical fire protection in the company's history, covers the delivery of fire protection systems to building 3 in the ongoing data center project in Gävleborg County, where the first hall was completed by Nordic LEVEL Technology in 2023. The assignment includes materials, installation, commissioning and training, starting in Q4 2024 and planned completion in 2025. The contract is worth approximately SEK 52 million.

The contract, worth approximately SEK 52 million, covers fire protection for the new construction phase, approximately 40,000 square meters, and includes the latest technology, such as aspiration technology for extremely early detection of fire and Voice Evacuation System. The system will be integrated with a master alarm presentation system previously supplied by Nordic LEVEL Technology. The contract also includes materials, installation, commissioning and training.

The contract, which is the largest technical fire protection contract in the company's history, consolidates Nordic LEVEL Technology's position as a leading supplier of fire and security technology solutions for data centers and critical infrastructure. The company is well positioned for the future, with the Swedish data center market having grown by approximately 20 percent annually since 2020 and expected to continue to grow at the same rate going forward.

“More and more customers are investing in advanced fire protection solutions with aspiration technology and Voice Evacuation System, which is absolutely the right way to go. The assignments are a perfect fit for our organization, as we can take full advantage of our expertise. Early detection of fire and safe evacuation saves lives and reduces damage and production losses,” says Mikael Pettersson, COO at Nordic LEVEL Technology.

Nordic LEVEL Technology strives to be the obvious choice for critical infrastructure customers in need of advanced security and fire protection solutions. The company offers end-to-end solutions for both large centralized facilities and smaller distributed data management nodes, so-called Edge computing.

This information is information that Nordic LEVEL Group AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted, through the agency of the contact person set out below, for publication on 27 August 2024 at 08:30 CEST.

For more information, please contact:

Jörgen Lundgren
CEO, Nordic LEVEL Group

Tel:  +46 (0)70-486 58 99

Mikael Pettersson
COO, Nordic LEVEL Technology

Tel: +46 (0)8- 620 82 00
