Disclosure of large shareholding

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Reference is made to stock exchange notice of earlier today regarding the successful completion of a private placement in Nordic Mining ASA.

Finnish Industry Investment Ltd. was allocated 6,000,000 shares at a price of NOK 1.00 per share in the private placement. Following the delivery of the new shares, Finnish Industry Ltd. will own 6,000,000 shares, representing 5.2% of the total amount of shares and votes in Nordic Mining ASA. Finnish Industry Investment Ltd's shareholding has thus exceeded the 5% flagging threshold.

Finnish Industry Investment Ltd. (www.industryinvestment.com) is a leading Finnish industrial investment company established in 1995 that invests in selected companies and funds. As of 30.9.2009 the funds under management was approximately MEUR 600. Finnish Industry Investment has made several investments in mining and mineral companies with operations in Finland.
