Interim report per 31 March 2011

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Nordic Mining ASA is pleased to present the interim report per 31 March 2011. The following important events since the 4th quarter 2010 report are high-lighted:

  • Municipality approvals of industrial area plan for the Engebø rutile project
    On 11 and 12 May 2011, the municipality boards in Naustdal and Askvoll municipalities approved the industrial area plan in connection with Nordic Mining's contemplated rutile production at Engebøfjellet. The approvals mark an important milestone in the process to establish long term, profitable and sustainable rutile production at Engebø.
  • Positive market development for rutile
    Markets for rutile products are developing positively. Internationally, there is currently a strong demand and prices have picked up significantly compared with previous years. New supply projects are limited in numbers, and the growing demand fuels expectation of long term positive market outlook for rutile products.
  • Confirmation of positive drilling results in Finland
    Keliber's drilling program was concluded in January 2011. A new lithium deposit has been detected at Outovesi, and the resource base at Länttä has been upgraded. Approximately 1.26 million tons have been classified by independent experts as ore reserve (proven and     probable) which is evaluated as technical and economical feasible in a viable project.

  • New project for mineral processing with use of CO2
    Nordic Mining and Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) have started a development project related to new technology for production of alumina from the Gudvangen anorthosite with the use of CO2. The alumina content in the Gudvangen anorthosite is approximately 30% and is therefore potentially a major alumina source.

  • Rights secured for high-purity quartz
    Nordic Mining has secured rights for investigation and development of a quartz deposit in Kvinnherad municipality in Norway. High-purity quartz has several advanced technological applications; i.a. in electronics, optical industry and solar cell industry. Nordic Mining is experiencing good international interest for the quartz deposit.

The interim report is enclosed for information.

For questions please contact CFO Lars K. Grøndahl, telephone +47 901 60 941.

Oslo, 19 May 2011
Nordic Mining ASA

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.




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