Minerals against pollution

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Nordic Mining's subsidiary Gudvangen Stein AS has qualified its mineral product from anorthosite as a capping material. The anorthosite product complies with requirements set by the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT) regarding testing of capping material for contaminated seabed sediments. Tests and analysis were done by Biologge AS, a company that develops methods for evaluating and handling of polluted sediments.
Accumulated heavy metals, TBT and PCB represent a considerable environmental challenge in several European harbours. In Norway, 17 harbour areas are prioritised by the government for urgent clean-up.
"Capping with suitable mineral products such as anorthosite is an environmentally sound, cost-effective and easy action that can be taken to sort out problems in many of these contaminated areas. Gudvangen Stein will target a position as a reliable supplier of capping material", says Ottar Nakken, VP Commercial in Nordic Mining and chairman of the board in Gudvangen Stein AS.
For questions please contact Ottar Nakken (VP Commercial) on telephone +47 - 928 91 780.
Oslo, 25 February 2009
Nordic Mining ASA
