New mineral pre-claims for high-end minerals in Finnmark

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Nordic Mining has been granted 24 new mineral pre-claims in the Seiland province in Finnmark, Northern Norway. The claim area covers 227 km2 and is situated in the Seiland Igneous Province. The Province is known for its massive layered mafic and ultramafic intrusions. The geological setting, which shares some characteristics with the famous Bushveld Complex in South Africa, is interesting in terms of copper, nickel and Platinum Group Elements. Sampling and analysis initiated by Nordic Mining in 2007 showed promising values of Cu, Ni, Pt and Pd. In addition, Nordic Mining already holds 3 pre-claims in the region.


"The Seiland Province has interesting features in terms of ore forming processes. This together with being largely unexplored for high-end metals makes it a natural exploration target. We are working on getting a better understanding of the geology so that areas for investigation can be targeted" says Exploration Manager Mona Schanche.


For questions please contact Exploration Manager Mona Schanche, telephone + 47 - 922 81 253.



Oslo, 29 November 2010

Nordic Mining ASA
This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)
