New share capital registered

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Reference is made to stock exchange notice of 23 March 2010 regarding conclusion of the over-subscribed subsequent offering in Nordic Mining.

The subsequent offering of 10,000,000 shares was done at a subscription price of NOK 1.00. The par value of the issued shares is NOK 0.10. The share capital was increased by NOK 1,000,000.


The capital increase has today been registered with the Register of Business Enterprises, and the new shares are tradeable. Nordic Mining's share capital is currently NOK 12,547,009.10.


For questions please contact CFO Lars K. Grøndahl, telephone + 47 - 901 60 941.



Oslo, 31 March 2010

Nordic Mining ASA

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)
