New tests confirm world class ultrapure quartz deposit

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Nordic Mining has received positive results in making high purity concentrates from the Nesodden quartz deposit in western Norway. The results confirm the deposit as world class, and indicate potential for several high-value applications and a significant commercial value.


Ivar S. Fossum, CEO, comments: "It is very exciting that we through these processing tests have been able to make such high grade qualities. Clearly, we aspire for high-end market segments that are paying top prices for best quality products. The encouraging results underline the potential of the quartz deposit which is now considered a valuable strategic asset in Nordic Mining's portfolio. Partner evaluations will be an integrated part of the project work going forward". 


Nordic Mining holds exclusive rights for the Nesodden quartz deposit in Kvinneherad municipality in Hordaland county in Norway. The deposit is estimated to 2.7 million tons of quartz.


Nordic Mining has established contact with different market segments and is aiming at testing the quartz for various applications. Specifications and the quality level for quartz products vary between different applications and producers. While unprocessed quartz from Nesodden seems to meet specifications for solar silicon production, it may be further processed to meet the requirements for high purity markets such as optical glass, lamp tubing, crucibles, semiconductors, microelectronics etc.


Norway has a number of leading international companies within the silicon value chain, ranging from ferrosilicium production, silicon carbide, solar cell wafers and high purity quartz products. Hence the industrial environment and relevant available competence is bound for a further development of the Nesodden quartz deposit.


The processing tests were carried out by the German laboratory Dorfner Anzaplan that is specialized in quartz processing. The tests have involved various separation methods to remove impurities, including mechanical separation, acid leaching, and hot chlorination techniques. Concentrates with a total of only 16 ppm of total impurities was produced, a purity level being comparable to the highest quality and highest priced quartz products on the market.


A detailed field mapping of the Nesodden deposit was carried out by geologists during July 2011. The mapping shows a large massive quartz vein stretching out for approximately 600 meters, and confirms the earlier mapping and size estimations carried out by Norwegian Geological Survey in 2007 (for more information see: Several samples were taken along the deposit and will be tested for quality and variations.  


For questions please contact Exploration Manager Mona Schanche on telephone +47 922 81 253.


About Nordic Mining
Nordic Mining ASA is a resource company with operating activity and focus on high-end industrial minerals and metals in Norway and internationally. The company's project portfolio is of high international standard and holds a significant economic potential. Nordic Mining has rights to advanced EM-applications (electro magnetic technology) for mineral and metals exploration onshore and offshore. The company's assets are mainly in the Nordic region.

The company has production of anorthosite products through its subsidiary Gudvangen Stein AS. Further, Nordic Mining is undertaking large-scale project development at Engebøfjellet in Sogn and Fjordane where the company has rights to a substantial eclogite deposit with rutile and garnet. Through its subsidiary Keliber Oy in Finland, Nordic Mining plans to start mining of lithium bearing spodumene and production of lithium carbonate. Nordic Mining has rights for exploration and production at a high-purity quartz deposit in Kvinnherad municipality in Hordaland county.


Nordic Mining is listed on Oslo Axess.



Oslo, 10 August 2011
Nordic Mining ASA

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
