Nordic Mining granted support for mineral project with use of CO2

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Nordic Mining and Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) have initiated project work with purpose to develop new technology for production of alumina from anorthosite by use of CO2.

Tests will be carried out at IFE's laboratory at Kjeller. The aim is to extract alumina by chemical leaching with the addition of CO2. Anorthosite from Nordic Mining's mine in Gudvangen will be used as a raw material. The alumina content of Nordic Mining's anorthosite is approximately 30% and is therefore potentially a major alumina source.  In the process calcium, which is also contained in the anorthosite, reacts with CO2 to form calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate represents a stable storage for CO2 and has a commercial use in i.a. the paper, cement and fertilizer industries.

Gassnova SF, a Norwegian state enterprise sponsoring technology concepts evolving CO2 management, has granted financial support for the project.      

Results from previous development work which was carried out by Nordic Mining, IFE og Statoil and reported in 2009 will be used in the project. In the previous project, aluminium feedstock was produced in laboratory tests. Possibilities and consequences related to scaling will inherently be assessed in the new project.

Project leader Dr. Ing. Ingo Machenbach, IFE comments: "Use of CO2 in mineral processing can prove a cost effective method for extraction of high value, refined mineral products and can add significant value to i.a. the anorthosite resource in Gudvangen. The development of a carbonatization process can represent safe and long term storage of CO2 in stable minerals."

CEO Ivar Fossum in Nordic Mining comments: "Gassnova's support is very positive for the development work and a confirmation of the perspectives of the project. The support secures continuity in the development work for use of CO2 in mineral processing which potentially can release a major industrial potential."

In addition, Nordic Mining is participating together with IFE in a project supported by the Norwegian Research Council with purpose to test anorthosite as a raw material for producing synthetic sorbent for CO2 capturing.


For questions please contact Exploration Manager Mona Schanche on telephone +47 922 81 253.


Oslo, 6 January 2011
Nordic Mining ASA
This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)
