Political process regarding industrial area plan for the Engebø rutile project

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On 28 April 2011, the technical committee in Naustdal municipality recommended the industrial area plan in connection with Nordic Mining's contemplated production of rutile at Engebø. The decision was made with four votes against one in favor of the recommendation. A municipality board meeting for decision regarding the industrial area plan is scheduled in Naustdal 11 May.


The technical committee in Askvoll municipality recommended the industrial area plan unanimously on 29 April. A municipality board meeting for decision of the plan is scheduled in Askvoll 12 May.


In the second round of public hearing of the proposal for the Engebø industrial area plan the Directorate of Fisheries has submitted an objection. Negotiations between the two municipalities and the Directorate of Fisheries conducted by the county governor of Sogn and Fjordane have not been successful, and the objection remains.  As a consequence of the objection, the municipality boards are not in capacity to resolve the industrial area plan with legally binding effect. In assumption that the municipality boards will approve the plan in the abovementioned meetings, the resolutions will be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment for final approval. The municipalities will inform the ministry of the parties' views. The municipalities will submit its resolutions via the county governor who will present a separate statement in the matter.


For questions please contact CEO Ivar S. Fossum, telephone +47 930 96 850.



Oslo, 2 May 2011
Nordic Mining ASA

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
