Subsequent offering closed

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Reference is made to stock exchange notice dated 27 June 2008 and prospectus of the same date issued in connection with the subsequent offering of up to 13 333 334 new shares at a subscription price of NOK 1.50 per share.
In total 3 562 783 new shares were subscribed to a price of NOK 1.50 per share. Gross proceeds from the subsequent offering were NOK 5 344 174.50. As a consequence, the share capital in Nordic Mining ASA will increase to NOK 9 548 009.10 consisting of 95 480 091 shares with a nominal value of NOK 0.10 per share.
Allocation letters will be distributed 14 July 2008. Debit of accounts will take place 16 July 2008.
For questions please contact CFO Lars K.Grøndahl on telephone +47 - 901 60 941.
Oslo, 11 July 2008
Nordic Mining ASA
