Summons to Extraordinary General Meeting

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Enclosed is the summons to the Extraordinary General Meeting in Nordic Mining ASA, 1 March 2010 at 1630 in Thon Conference Center Hotel Vika Atrium, Munkedamsveien 45, 0250 Oslo, Norway.

One the agenda is

  1. Proposal for a subsequent (repair) share issue*
  2. Proposals regarding amendments in the Articles of Association
  3. Proposal regarding authorisation to the Board of Directors to conduct share capital increases

* Nordic Mining has carried out a successful private placement of 20,000,000 shares directed towards large existing shareholders and selected Norwegian and international institutional investors after the close of the Oslo Stock Exchange on 4 February 2010. The private placement was done at a share price of NOK 1.00 per share, and the share capital increase represents approximately 20.9 per cent of the share capital prior to the private placement.

The Board of Directors therefore proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting resolves a subsequent (repair) share issue towards the shareholders in Nordic Mining as at 4 February 2010 who were not invited to participate in the private placement.

For questions please contact CFO Lars K. Grøndahl, telephone + 47 - 901 60 941.


Oslo, 5 February 2010

Nordic Mining ASA

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)


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