Tailings from Engebø approved as capping material for contaminated sediments

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Nordic Mining has carried out an evaluation in order to examine the applicability of the excess minerals (tailings) from the Engebø eclogite as capping material for contaminated sediments in harbours etc. The tailings will be produced in the planned mineral industry at Engebø where concentrates of rutile and garnet will be the main products. The tailings have been approved for capping applications in accordance with the official guide for capping materials issued by the Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agency (TA-2143/2005). The evaluation has been made by Biologge AS on the basis of chemical analysis and tests of eclogite and mineral samples. Biologge (www.biologge.no) is a company located in Sandefjord specialized in developing methods and technology for evaluation and restoration of contaminated sediments.

The Engebø tailings are classified as processed material. Based on the guidelines, the minerals have been evaluated with regard to possible negative environmental impacts from their natural properties, or by any contaminating elements brought to the tailings during the mineral processing.

Analysis of the tailing minerals documents levels of heavy metals and radioactive elements that are below officially established limits. Ecotoxic analysis shows that processing additives are not toxic and that they consists of degradable materials and do not have any bioaccumulating effects. On a general basis, the tailings are evaluated as well suited as capping material for contaminated sediments. Before use of the material, specific evaluation should be carried out regarding the location in question.

Geologist Mona Schanche in Nordic Mining comments: "The Engebø tailings have a high specific gravity, being an advantage both in the application as capping material or for general disposal. The use as capping material may represent a significant market for the excess minerals from Engebø. We are currently also investigating other commercial applications such as use in concrete, soil improvement and as additive to various constructions. In total, various commercial applications of the tailings may represent a positive add-on to the Engebø project, both in economic and industrial terms."

Accumulation of heavy metals and components consisting of TBT (Tributyltin) and PCB (Polychlorinated biphenyls) represents a major environmental challenge in many port areas throughout Europe. In Norway, a total of 17 port areas have been prioritized by the authorities for further examination and clean-up, possibly by the use of capping materials.

For questions please contact CEO Ivar S. Fossum on telephone +47 930 96 850.


Oslo, 27 October 2010
Nordic Mining ASA

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)
