The Engebø rutile project - public hearing has started for development plan and application for waste disposal

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Naustdal and Askvoll municipalities have submitted proposal for development plan with environmental impact studies related to Nordic Mining's contemplated production of rutile at Engebøfjellet for public hearing. The municipalities have distributed the proposal to public and private institutions. In addition, planning documents are available for review at central locations in the municipalities. The hearing period closes 27 September 2009.
In a similar manner, the county governor of Sogn og Fjordane has submitted Nordic Mining's application for industrial development and operation in accordance with the Pollution Control Act for public hearing. The hearing period ends 1 October 2009. Concession for waste disposal requires that development plan matters have been clarified according to regulations in the Planning and Building Act.
Further information regarding the proposal for development plan with environmental impact studies is available at the municipalities' web pages ( and Further information regarding Nordic Mining's application for waste disposal is available at the county governor's web page (
For questions please contact CEO Ivar S. Fossum on telephone +47 - 930 96 850.
Oslo, 1 July 2009
Nordic Mining ASA
