Statement of opinion concerning Quality in the welfare sector
You will find Nordstjernan’s statement of opinion (in Swedish) to the final part of the so called Reepalu investigation, which has been submitted to the Ministry of Finance, appended to this press release and on Nordstjernan’s website
In brief, Nordstjernan rejects the proposal of profit limitation for welfare entities due to both fundamental and practical reasons. Nordstjernan also rejects the conclusion that no other and less radical means than a profit limitation are sufficient in order to reach the goal of high quality welfare.
Viveca Ax:son Johnson
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Nordstjernan AB
Tomas Billing
Nordstjernan AB
Questions will be answered by:
Viveca Ax:son Johnson, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nordstjernan
Telephone: +46 8 788 50 00
Tomas Billing, CEO, Nordstjernan
Telephone: +46 8 788 50 18
Nordstjernan is a family controlled investment company that creates growth in value through long-term and active ownership of Nordic companies. More information on Nordstjernan is available at