Confirmed Registration of Increased Share Capital

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Reference is made to the stock exchange notice dated January 9, 2012 regarding conversion of Bonds to New Shares in Norse Energy Corp. ASA ("NEC" ticker Oslo Stock Exchange, Norway; "NSEEY" ticker U.S. OTC).

The share capital increase of NOK 19.592.508,83 from the debt conversion was registered in the Register of Business Enterprises ("Foretaksregisteret") on January 12, 2012.

Following the debt conversion, NEC has a share capital of NOK 293.693.833,99 divided into 795.284.566 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.36883488. Each share carries right to one vote at the Company's general meetings. The updated company certificate is enclosed.

For further information please contact:

J. Chris Steinhauser, Chief Financial Officer

Phone: +1 716 568-2048




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