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Norse Energy Corp. ASA (“NEC” ticker code OSE – NEC, Oslo, Norway, U.S OTC symbol “NSEEF”) announces the successful completion of two new horizontal Herkimer wells in a field that is estimated to hold upwards of one half trillion cubic feet ( ~90 MMBOE) of natural gas. The most recent well had a significant gas show but has yet to be tested. The earlier of the two had an initial flow rate approaching one million cubic feet (178 BOE) per day, similar to the Company's previously announced experience with its prior wells in the Herkimer play. Since being turned into line early last month, that well has continued its high level of deliverability against prevailing line pressure, presently delivering at a rate exceeding eighty percent of its initial flow rate.

Norse Energy has estimated average reserves for the Herkimer field at 1.2 billion cubic feet (214,000 BOE) per well. The company has 250 seismically identified locations in the Herkimer formation with a likelihood of adding another 250 locations on its 130,000 acre leasehold. The Herkimer play has the added advantage of multiple interstate pipeline access and close proximity to the attractive natural gas markets in the U.S Northeast.

“These most recent wells render further support for an exciting Herkimer trend in which the economic results continue to exceed expectations,” noted Norse Energy CEO Oivind Risberg, adding that “... even with today's declining natural gas price, with Norse's drilling success and market proximity advantages, our payback time is very competitive at around a year.”

For further information please contact:
Anders Kapstad, CFO and Investor Relations
Tel.: +47 6751 6112
Cell: +47 918 17 442
Email: akapstad@norseenergy.com

S. Dennis Holbrook, U.S. Investor Relations
Cell: + 1 (716) 568-2048
Email: dholbrook@norseenergy.com