Results of Bondholder Meeting

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Reference is made to the news release of 17 June 2011 where Norse Energy Holdings Inc ("NEHI"), a subsidiary of Norse Energy Corp. ASA ("NEC") ticker code OSE - NEC, Oslo, Norway, U.S OTCQX symbol "NSEEY", proposed to its Bondholders that NEC is reinstated as the Borrower to the bond debt currently assumed by NEHI.

Reference is also made to stock exchange notices of May 13 and May 25 2011 regarding previous Bondholders' Meetings.

The new and repeated Bondholders' Meetings were held today at the offices of Norsk Tillitsmann ASA. A copy of the protocol for the Bondholders' Meetings is enclosed.

There were sufficient bondholders present and sufficient majority in favor of the amendment proposal for all the bonds, and the proposals were accordingly adopted. The bond loan agreements will therefore be amended to include a change of borrower and all other thereto necessary changes.

For further information please contact:

Richard Boughrum, Chief Financial Officer

Cell: +1 714 520 1702




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