Annual General Meeting of Northland Resources S.A. ("the Company") held on May 18, 2011

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Report of Voting Results



Matter Voted Upon Outcome
Ratification of the appointment of Matti Kinnunen as a member Approved
of the board of directors of the Company.  
Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young S.A. Approved
as independent auditor (réviseur d'entreprise agréé) of the  
Company on the consolidated annual accounts of the Company  
(the Consolidated Annual Accounts) for the financial year ended  
as of December 31, 2010 (the Financial Year) and the annual  
accounts of the Company for the Financial Year  
(the Annual Accounts) in replacement of the Company's  
statutory auditor (commissaire aux comptes).  
Approval of the reports of (i) the board of directors of the Approved
Company and (ii) the independent auditor of the Company on the  
Consolidated Annual Accounts and on the Annual Accounts.  
Approval of the Consolidated Annual Accounts. Approved
Approval of the Annual Accounts and allocation of the result for Approved
the Financial Year.  
Discharge (quitus) to the members of the board of directors of the Approved
Company for the exercise of their mandate during the Financial Year.  
Renewal of the mandate of the members of the board of directors Approved
until the next annual general meeting.  
Renewal of the mandate of the independent auditor (réviseur Approved
d'entreprise agréé) until the next annual general meeting.  
Approval of fees to non-executive members of the board of Approved
directors of CAD $40,000 per annum, with an additional  
CAD $10,000 per annum to those directors serving as Committee Chairs.  
Approval of a revised stock option plan as set forth in the Company's Not Approved
Information Circular dated April 20, 2011, relating to options to  
subscribe for shares of the Company to be granted to certain directors,  
officers, employees and service providers of the Company.  
Authorization and empowerment of any director of the Company, or the Approved
Chief Executive Officer, acting on behalf of the board of directors, to  
do all other acts and things as they shall at their discretion deem  
necessary or desirable for the purpose of giving effect to any of the  
above items of the agenda and to see to and to accomplish any  
necessary formalities with the relevant Luxembourg authorities in  
relation to the items of this agenda, including, but not limited, to the  
filing of documents with the Luxembourg Register of Commerce  
and Companies and the publication of excerpts in the Mémorial,  
Recueil des Sociétés et Associations, and generally to perform any  
other action that may be necessary or useful in relation thereto.  
To transact such further or other business as may properly come No Matters Proposed
before the meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.  


DATED:  May 18, 2011


"Karl-Axel Waplan"
Karl-Axel Waplan
President and CEO

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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