Annual General Meeting of Northland Resources S.A. ("the Company") held on May 19, 2010

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Report of Voting Results

Matter Voted Upon Outcome
Acknowledgement of the convening of the meeting at 12:00 a.m.  
 instead of 10.00 a.m. as indicated in the articles of association  
 of the Company. Approved
Approval of the Annual Accounts of the Company and  
allocation of the results as per January 31, 2010. Approved
Discharge (quitus) to the members of the board of directors and  
to the statutory auditor of the Company for, and in connection  
with, the Financial Year. Approved
Renewal of the mandate of Ernst & Young as statutory auditor  
of the Company for a period of one (1) year. Approved
Determination of the statutory auditor's remuneration. Approved
Renewal of the mandate as a director of Arden B. Morrow Approved
Renewal of the mandate as a director of Anders Hvide Approved
Renewal of the mandate as a director of Birger Solberg Approved
Renewal of the mandate as a director of Stuart Pettifor Approved
Renewal of the mandate as a director of Tuomo Mäkelä Approved
Approval of fees to non-executive members of the board of  
directors of CDN $25,000 per annum, with an additional  
CDN $5,000 per annum to those directors serving as Committee Chairs Approved
Authorization and empowerment of any director or the CEO to  
give effect to any of the above items. Approved


DATED:  May 20, 2010

"Karl-Axel Waplan"
Karl-Axel Waplan
President and CEO

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)


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