Sweden's Deputy Prime Minister Visits Northland's Iron Projects

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July 04, 2008:  Mr. Ralph Rushton, a Director of Northland Resources Inc., is pleased to report that Sweden's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Enterprise and Energy, Maud Olofsson, recently visited Northland's projects near Pajala in northern Sweden.  On Monday June 30th, Mrs. Olofsson met again with representatives of Northland to familiarize herself with the Company's development plans for its iron ore projects in the Pajala-Kolari region of Sweden and Finland.
The Deputy Prime Minister was given a tour of Northland's projects which included a visit to the Company's bulk sample site at the Stora Sahavaara project.
At a press conference held with representatives from Northland, the Deputy Prime Minister noted that Northland's planned operations in Pajala have potential importance for the whole country, and highlighted the three important issues that must be addressed prior to the commencement of mining operations in the region: infrastructure, labor force and power.
Referring to ways in which the government can assist Northland, she said "What is needed? Is there a need for training? What is required in terms of infrastructure? Can we provide the company with power?"
And commenting on the historical migration of people away from the north of Sweden she added: "Now we are turning the tide of migration, if people can move in one direction they can move in the other. I will have to talk to Sven-Otto Littorin, the Minister for Employment, about how we turn that removal truck around."
Commenting on the visit, Mr. Bill Wagener, the COO of Northland ,who accompanied the Deputy Prime Minister on the visit, said "We are delighted to have the opportunity to outline our plans for developing the iron resources around Pajala directly to the Deputy Prime Minister. We see tremendous potential for investment in the communities around Pajala and Kolari, and the entire Northland team is working flat out to ensure that the projects are developed responsibly with full consultation with the local communities at every step of the way.  We look forward to further constructive dialogue with the Minister of Enterprise and Energy."
Corporate News
Northland also wishes to announce that the Company's 2008 annual general meeting will be held on Friday, September 5, 2008.  Notice of the meeting will be sent to the shareholders in August.
Northland is a well-structured, debt free mining company with a portfolio of high quality iron, gold, and base metal development projects in Sweden and Finland.
     "Ralph Rushton"
The Toronto Stock Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release.
Northland Resources Inc.
Buck Morrow, President

Investor Relations:
North America, Ralph Rushton: Toll Free: 1-866-719-8962
Europe, Jonas Lundstrom: Tel. +46 70 54 93 322