NOTE – Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2009

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According to a decision made at NOTE´s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2008, NOTE has a Nomination Committee consisting of one representative each for the four largest shareholders.

One of the tasks for the Nomination Committee is to submit proposals to the AGM regarding Chairman of the AGM, members and Chairman of the Board of Directors, the selection of auditors, remuneration to the Board and a process for the appointment of the Nomination Committe the following year.

The Nomination Committee members for the AGM 2009 are:

- Ulf Strömsten, representing Catella Kapitalförvaltning
- Kjell-Åke Andersson, representing his own holdings
- Tomas Ramsälv, representing Odin Fonder
- Charlotta Faxén, representing Carnegie Fonder.
NOTE´s AGM will be held in Stockholm on Tuesday 21 April 2009.

Shareholder´s proposals to the Nomination Committee can be sent by e-mail to or to The Board of Directors, c/o Henrik Nygren, Box 711, 182 17 Danderyd. A request to have a matter dealt with at the AGM 2009 must be received by the company no later than 2 March 2009.

For more information, please contact:
Henrik Nygren, CFO, tel. +46 (0)8 568 99003, +46 (0)70 977 0686
Ulf Strömsten, shareholder representative, Catella Kapitalförvaltning, tel. +46 (0)8 614 25 77


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