NOTE’s Year-end Report 2013
Financial Performance October–December• Sales were SEK 255.3 (240.4) million.• The operating profit was SEK 9.7 (-5.4) million.• The operating margin was 3.8% (-2.3%).• The profit after financial items was SEK 6.4 (-6.8) million.• The profit after tax was SEK 7.7 (-7.8) million, corresponding to SEK 0.27 (-0.27) per share.• Cash flow after investments was SEK -2.3 (26.1) million, or SEK -0.08 (0.90) per share. Financial Performance January–December• Sales were SEK 907.0 (1,029.2) million.• The operating profit was SEK 9.0 (26.0) million. Underlying operating profit,