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OBDUCAT AB, the world’s leading provider of lithography solutions based on Nano Imprint Lithography (NIL) and Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) has been awarded a patent by the Japanese patent authority for a critical anti-stick technology forming a central part of high volume manufacturing based on NIL.

The Obducat anti-stick technology minimises the interaction between stampers and substrate during the imprint and separation process. An anti-stick layer is applied to the stamper surface enabling particles and other contaminants to be repelled, and a speedier separation without defects. The anti-stick coating ensures high stamp durability and by that an increased lifetime minimising the stamp related cost of the imprint process.

”The anti-stick technology is critical to our high volume manufacturing solutions since it improves durability and extends the stamp lifetime, resulting in reduced overall costs for the lithography process. For customers in the process of planning to start production based on NIL cost efficiency, in particular, is a key factor. Further patents awarded all over the world strengthen our uniqueness and ability to compete,” says Patrik Lundström, CEO of Obducat AB.

For further information, please contact:

Patrik Lundström, CEO, +46 40 – 36 21 00 or 703 – 27 37 38

Henri Bergstrand, Chariman of the Board, +46 40-36 21 00 or 708 - 88 72 45

Obducat AB is an innovative developer and supplier of technologies, products and processes used for the production and replication of advanced micro and nano structures. Obducat’s products and services are intended to serve the demands of companies within the information storage, semiconductor, printed circuit board, and sensor industries. Obducat’s technologies include electron beam and nano imprint technology. Obducat has offices in Sweden and the UK, with the head quarters located in Malmö, Sweden. The Obducat shares are publicly traded on the Swedish NGM stock exchange.


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