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The shareholders of Obducat Aktiebolag (publ) are hereby invited to attend the general meeting of shareholders to be held at 2 pm on Wednesday 21 June 2006 in the auditorium of Fridhemsborg, Fridhemsvägen 2 in Malmö, Sweden.

Notice of Participation

Notice of attendance may be sent to Obducat Aktiebolag (publ), Box 580, 201 25 Malmö, Sweden, by e-mail to or fax at +46 40-36 21 60. The notice of attendance is to state the name, personal identity or company registration number, address, the number of shares, daytime telephone number and, when applicable, the number of accompanying assistants (not more than two). Please note that proof of power of attorney or a certificate of incorporation will be required as applicable.

The invitation in its entirety can be down loaded through the following link:

Notice of Annual General Meeting – 2006

Obducat Nomination Committee

In accordance with decisions passed at the Annual General Meeting 2005 a Nomination Committee has been formed and after consultation with the larger registered shareholders the Committee consists of Henri Bergstrand, Lars Montelius, Johan Boman and Olav Axelsson. Olav Axelsson has been appointed by the Committee and is representing minor shareholders, also being the convener of the Committee. The Committee will announce its standpoint and proposal before the general meeting.

For further information, please contact:

Patrik Lundström, CEO, +46 40 – 36 21 00 or 703 – 27 37 38

Henri Bergstrand, Chariman of the Board, +46 40-36 21 00 or 708 - 88 72 45

Obducat AB is an innovative developer and supplier of technologies, products and processes used for the production and replication of advanced micro and nano structures. Obducat’s products and services are intended to serve the demands of companies within the information storage, semiconductor, printed circuit board, and sensor industries. Obducat’s technologies include electron beam and nano imprint technology. Obducat has offices in Sweden and the UK, with the head quarters located in Malmö, Sweden. The Obducat shares are publicly traded on the Swedish NGM stock exchange.


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