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Forming a substantial part of the EU Sixth Framework, a consortium comprising some 30 participants (including Obducat) has been established.

The consortium, Emerging Nanopattering Methods (NaPa), has been granted a € 16 million sponsoring budget from the EU. NaPa shall focus on research and development concerning production techniques for nano structuring as well as multifunctional polymers etc.

Obducats part of the project – which will last for four years commencing March 2004 – is related to specific development within Nano imprint lithography (NIL). All results emerging from Obducat activities within the project will remain property of Obducat. The split of the total NaPa budget amongst the consortium participants remains confidential.

In a first comment upon the EU decision to fund NaPa within the EU Sixth Framework, CEO Patrik Lundström says:

“The work regarding specification of our part of the NaPa project has been going on for quite some time. Obviously, it is most encouraging that Obducat has been accepted as a partner within the consortium as well as the fact that EU – clearly reflected in the project budget – acknowledges the huge potential within nano technology. This gives additional credibility to the expected industrial breakthrough for nano imprint lithography and this is very positive for Obducat.”

For additional information please contact:

Patrik Lundström, CEO, Obducat AB, +46 (0)40 – 36 21 00

Johan Boman, CFO Obducat AB, +46 (0)703 – 27 37 30

Obducat AB is an innovative developer and supplier of technologies, products and processes used for the production of advanced micro- and nano structures. Obducat´s products and services are intended to serve the demands of companies within the information storage, semiconductor, printed circuit board, and sensor industries. Obducat´s technologies include electron beam, and nano imprint technology. Obducat has offices in Sweden, and the UK, with the head quarter located in Malmö, Sweden. The Obducat shares are publicly traded on the Swedish NGM exchange. Read more on www.obducat.com.

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