Obducat launches new website
Obducat has launched a new website, available at www.obducat.com (the same address as before). This is a first step in the previously communicated plan to increase Obducat’s external communication and visibility on the market.
The goal of the new website is to provide the market with clear information about Obducat and its operations. The website contains relevant and clear information for investors with financial reports, current company news, events and CEO interviews. Customers and other stakeholders can easily find information about our market offering, our products and technologies.
For further information, please contact:
Patrik Lundström, Chairman of the Board and CEO: +46 (0) 46 10 16 00 or +46 (0) 703 27 37 38
André Bergstrand, acting Managing Director and CFO: +46 (0) 46 10 16 00 or +46 (0) 703 27 37 32
About Obducat AB (publ)
Obducat AB (publ) is an innovative developer and supplier of technologies, products and processes used for the production and replication of advanced micro and nano structures. Obducat’s products and services serve the demands of companies within the LED, OLED, semiconductor, displays, biomedical and MEMS industries. Obducat’s technologies include nano imprint technology, coating technology and wet processing technology. Obducat has offices in Sweden, Germany and China and the headquarter is located in Lund, Sweden. Obducat’s shares are publicly traded on the Swedish NGM Main Regulated Equity stock exchange. Read more at www.obducat.com.