Obducat participates in EU project focused on Photonic Applications
OBDUCAT AB (publ) subsidiary Obducat Technologies AB, a leading supplier of lithography solutions based on nanoimprint lithography (NIL), has been invited to participate in a Horizon 2020 project named NARCISO (NAtuRal instability of semiConductors thIn SOlid films for sensing and photonic applications).
The project will exploit the natural instability of thin solid films to form complex patterns and nano-architectures based on semiconductors materials. Methods and structures will be optimized towards their exploitation in two main domains of application, the first being Photonic devices (e.g. anti-reflection coatings, colour-filters, random lasers, quantum emitters) and the second being micro-fluidic devices for bio/chemical sensing and water filtering.
The NARCISO project has, through the consortium's members, access to the latest technology in SSD (Solid State Dewetting) and NIL (Nano Imprint Lithography) and a broad knowledge covering the theoretical understanding, the experimental implementation as well as the practical utilization of the techniques. Within the framework of the NARCISO project, these techniques and knowledge will be combined, which enables the production of components that lie in the absolute leading edge of micro- and nanostructuring over extremely large areas and that with manufacturing methods that are compatible with an industrial scale.
The project consortium consists of the following members:
1. Aix Marseille Universitè, France
2. Technische Universität of Dresden, Germany
3. Universitè de Lausanne, Switzerland
4. Università di Firenze, Italy
5. Obducat Technologies AB, Sweden
6. Institute of Photonic and Nanotechnology and Institute of microelectronics and microsystems of CNR, Italy,
Obducat Technologies constitute a strategic asset to the consortium as the company is a major international player in the nano-imprint lithography area. Obducat Technologies will support the project with expertise in process optimization for NIL and demonstrate the manufacturing processes in a high-throughput NIL system.
The project will start in March 2019 and is scheduled to run over 3 years with a total budget of approx. 27 MSEK.
For further information, please contact:
Patrik Lundström, Chairman of the Board and CEO: +46 (0) 46 10 16 00 or +46 (0) 703 27 37 38
André Bergstrand, acting Managing Director and CFO: +46 (0) 46 10 16 00 or +46 (0) 703 27 37 32
About Obducat AB (publ)
Obducat AB (publ) is an innovative developer and supplier of technologies, products and processes used for the production and replication of advanced micro and nano structures. Obducat’s products and services serve the demands of companies within the LED, OLED, semiconductor, displays, biomedical and MEMS industries. Obducat’s technologies include nano imprint technology, coating technology and wet processing technology. Obducat has offices in Sweden, Germany and China and the headquarter is located in Lund, Sweden. Obducat’s class B shares and preferential class B shares are publicly traded on the Swedish NGM Equity stock exchange. Read more at www.obducat.com.