Oboya launches a new e-commerce platform with partner in China

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Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ) ("the company"), has together with the Haier Group RRS, through previous cooperation agreements, launched a new e-commerce platform through Haier Group's RRS distribution channels.

The new e-commerce platform is the first step of a cooperation agreement signed in May 2018. Through e-commerce cooperation with Haier Group's RRS, one of the world's largest multinational consumer electronics companies headquartered in Qingdao, China, the parties aim to reach the company's products throughout the entire Chinese market and to professional growers as well as consumers. The offer on the e-commerce platform initially includes selected product groups from Oboya's product range, but will gradually include the entire product range.

"The launch of e-commerce platform is the first step in our collaboration with Haier Group's RRS. I am very optimistic and convinced that the new e-commerce platform through Haier Group's RRS distribution channels can take the company to new levels of sales and growth in the Chinese market. As sales and communication to a greater extent occur digitally, the digital platform becomes an important trading venue for Oboya. We look forward to an exciting journey with Haier Group's RRS, "said Robert Wu, CEO of Oboya Horticulture Industries AB.


For more information, please contact:


Robert Wu, CEO Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ)

Tel: + 86 159 698 35 999

Email: robert.wu@oboya.cc

Homepage: www.oboya.se