Oboya’s chairman of the board resigns

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Oboya Horticulture Industries AB’s (”Oboya” eller Bolaget”) chairman of the board Joachim von Scheele resigns due to personal reasons.
Joachim von Scheele has today the 9th of June 2020 announced that he resigns as chairman of the board. Joachim has been a member of the board since May 2019 and served as interim chairman of the board since August 2019. 
”We regret that Joachim has chosen to resign from the board and thank him for his work for Oboya”, Robert Wu, Oboya’s CEO says.

Erik Penser Bank is Oboyas Certified Adviser at Nasdaq First North.
Phone: + 46 8-463 83 00
E-mail: certifiedadviser@penser.se 


For any inquiry regarding this press release, kindly contact:

Robert Wu, CEO Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ)

Phone: + 46 (0) 735 63 09 35
E-mail: robert.wu@oboya.se
Web site: www.oboya.se

This information is insider information that Oboya Horticulture Industries AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at xx.xx on June 9th, 2020.

About Oboya Horticulture Industries AB
Oboya Horticulture aims to develop into a world-leading total supplier in daily consumables and logistics products to the cultivation industry as well as consumer products for home cultivation and indoor environments. Production takes place in factories in China, Vietnam and Poland. More information about the company can be found at www.oboya.se.

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