Ocean Yield ASA – Fixed Income Investor Meetings
Ocean Yield ASA has mandated DNB Markets (Global Coordinator), Danske Bank, Fearnley Securities, Nordea and SEB to arrange a series of fixed income investor meetings in the Nordic region, commencing on Monday 14 May 2018. Subject to inter alia market conditions, a NOK denominated senior unsecured bond issue with a 5 year tenor may follow. The proceeds from the potential bond issue will be used to partly refinance outstanding bond debt and general corporate purposes.
MiFID II professionals/ECPs/Retail/No PRIIPs KID – Manufacturer target market (MIFID II product governance) is eligible counterparties and professional clients and also retail clients (all distribution channels). No PRIIPs key information document (KID) has been prepared.
Company contact:
Eirik Eide (CFO), Tel +47 24 13 01 91
Investor Relations contact:
Marius Magelie (SVP Finance & IR), Tel +47 24 13 01 82
Company information:
Ocean Yield ASA is a ship owning company with investments in vessels on long-term charters. The company has a significant contract backlog that offers visibility with respect to future earnings.