Odfjell SE: Annual General Meeting 2022 - Minutes
The Annual General Meeting of Odfjell SE was held on May 5, 2022. All items according to the agenda dated April 11, 2022, were approved.
Election of the Board
Pursuant to the Company's Article of Association, four of the current six members of the Board were up for election at the General Meeting. The General Meeting re-elected Laurence Ward Odfjell as Chair for a period of one year and board member for a period of two years. Christine Rødsæther, Jannicke Nilsson and Nils Petter Dyvik were re-elected as board members for a period of two years.
Dividend payments
The General Meeting approved a dividend of NOK 1.00 per share, totaling NOK 78,978,777. The dividend will be paid by DNB Verdipapirservice on May 16, 2022 to shareholders as of May 5, 2022. Consequently, as from May 6, 2022 the shares will be quoted on the Oslo Stock Exchange exclusive of the dividend.
Attached please find the minutes from the Annual General Meeting 2022.
IR Contact:
Bjørn Kristian Røed, VP Corporate Analysis & IR
Tel: +47 40 91 98 68
E-mail: bkr@odfjell.com
The Odfjell Group is one of the leading players in the global market for seaborne transportation and storage of chemicals and other specialty bulk liquids. The Odfjell fleet comprises of approx. 90 ships, which trade both globally and regionally. The tank terminal division consists of five tank terminals and is part of a network of another 10 tank terminals partly owned by related parties. The tank terminals are strategically located at selected international shipping hubs. The Odfjell Group’s headquarters are in Bergen, Norway, and the Group has offices in 14 locations around the world. Odfjell employs around 2300 staff and posted annual gross revenue of USD 1038 million in 2021. Read more on Odfjell.com.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.