Rolls-Royce acquires 33 percent of the shares in ODIM

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(Hareid, 29 June 2009): Roll-Royce has acquired 33.0 percent of the shares in the technology company ODIM from Aker Solutions ASA. The board of directors will as soon as possible initiate a dialogue with Roll-Royce to clarify the intentions behind the transaction.

“The ODIM board welcomes Rolls-Royce as a new principal shareholder. The board of directors will as soon as possible initiate a dialogue with Rolls-Royce to clarify the ambitions to the new shareholder. Our objective is that all shareholders will have the same access to information regarding ODIM and will receive equal treatment”, says Chairman of the Board Karl Erik Kjelstad in ODIM. ODIM has appointed SEB Enskilda as a financial advisor to evaluate the strategic options for ODIM, including the ownership structure. The ODIM board will actively work to maximize return for all shareholders.