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OMHEX - FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2003 2003 - A year of restructuring and integration · Revenue amounted to SEK 2 686 m (2 640) · Operating income excluding items affecting comparability was SEK 113 m (108) · Items affecting comparability of SEK -562 m (-132) includes restructuring costs of SEK 662 m and a capital gain of SEK 100 m · Loss after financial items was SEK 472 m (-56) · Loss after tax was SEK 431 m (-71) · Earnings per share at SEK -4.33 (-0.85) · Board of directors proposes dividend of SEK 0 (1) per share · Merger of OM and HEX · Cost-efficiency program carried out according to plan · Weak markets for both OM Technology and HEX Integrated Markets during the year Fourth quarter 2003 - Slight increase in market activity · Revenue totaled SEK 750 m (644) · Operating income excluding items affecting comparability was SEK 57m (19) · Items affecting comparability at SEK -38 m (-75), relating to write- downs and closures · Income after financial items was SEK 10 m (-67) · Income after tax was SEK 10 m (-69) · Earnings per share at SEK 0.08 (-0.82) · Strategically important order from Singapore Exchange · Slight increase in market activity in both divisions during the quarter · Cost-efficiency program completed, full effect at the end of the first quarter 2004 Enclosed you will find OMHEX's Financial Statement for 2003. The report is also available at A press and analyst briefing will be held today at 10.30 CET at OMHEX's head office at Norrlandsgatan 31, Stockholm. For those unable to attend, it will be possible to listen in via conference call at the following numbers, UK: +44 (0)20 7162 0185, US: +1 334 323 6203, Sweden: +46 8 505 201 14 CEO Magnus Böcker will present the report in English together with CFO Per Nordberg. For further information or comments, please contact: Magnus Böcker, CEO +46 8 405 66 44 Per Nordberg, CFO +46 8 405 77 22 Jakob Håkanson, VP Investor Relations +46 8 405 60 42 Anna Rasin, VP Marketing & Communications +46 8 405 66 12 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: The full report

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