Interim report 2017-01-01 - 2017-06-30
The consolidated financial statements thus take the form of merged financial statements, i.e. as if the Group was formed on 1 January 2017. Comparative 2016 figures for the Group refer to the Danish subsidiary OmniCar A/S. No comparative periods are available for the parent company.
H1 2017 (2017-01-01 - 2017-06-30)
Revenue totalled SEK 8.629 million
Profit/(loss) after financial income and expenses, net amounted to SEK -682,000
Earnings per share * SEK -0.07
** The solvency ratio was 85.6%
Q2 2017 (2017-04-01 - 2017-06-30)
Revenue totalled SEK 4.553 million
Profit/(loss) before financial income and expenses, net amounted to SEK 279,000
Earnings per share * SEK 0.01
*Earnings per share: The net profit or loss for the period divided by the average number of shares.
The average number of shares has thus been calculated according to the same principle as described above, i.e. as if the Group was formed on 1 January 2017. The average number of shares in the Group in the first half of the year amounted to 9,278,665 and in the second quarter to 9,346,056. The registered number of shares in OmniCar as at 30 June 2017 totalled 9,895,710, but an additional 2,600,000 shares have been registered after the balance sheet date as a result of the new issue taking place in the period 7 July to 1 August, bringing the total up to 12,495,710 shares.
**Solvency: Equity as a percentage of the balance sheet total.
Significant events during Q2 2017
• In June 2017, OmniCar signed an agreement with Henrik Wessel A/S, one of the biggest Peugeot dealers in Denmark, about the use of OmniCar’s newly developed service agreement management (SAM) software (via the new version of Omnicar’s Service Agreement Manager).
• In June 2017, the company announced that it had signed an agreement with Kjærsgaard Auto A/S, the Danish Citroën, Nissan and Honda dealer in Aalborg, Denmark, about the use of OmniCar’s newly developed service agreement management (SAM) software (via the new version of Omnicar’s Service Agreement Manager).
• In June 2017, OmniCar effected a new issue raising approximately SEK 27 million, corresponding to a total subscription percentage of approximately 193%. The new issue resulted in around 700 new shareholders and approximately SEK 14 million before issue costs.
Significant events post period end
13 July 2017 • Trading of OmniCar’s shares at AktieTorget begins. The shares are traded under the ticker symbol “OMNI”.
July 2017 • OmniCar signs an agreement with Bertel O. Steen A/S, one of the biggest car importers in Norway, for the development of a new marketing automation platform designed to improve customer loyalty and increase sales.
CEO Claus T. Hansen has the floor
Following the successful IPO of OmniCar AB just over six weeks ago, we are now able to present our first interim financial statements.
First of all, I would like to thank everyone having shown interest in OmniCar – not least our investors and customers who, by investing in OmniCar, have shown a huge amount of trust in us.
It is also with great pleasure that I am able to present our first interim results which are above expectations. Our results are far beyond expectations and our revenue is ahead of expectations as well. The whole OmniCar team has turned in an impressive performance, delivering strong results which we can all take pride in.
Below, I will briefly summarise Omnicar’s key milestones for the first six months of 2017: • Our announced goal of developing our existing importer solution into a modern app and cloud-based solution which can also be implemented at individual car dealers has now been realised with success.
• Our massive investments in the first six months have resulted in a state of the art solution, which has already been implemented by several leading car dealers, as also announced in our press releases. The solution is marketed under the name of SAM (short for Service Agreement Manager). SAM enables car dealers to sell, calculate, manage and invoice the important service agreements in an easy and efficient way ensuring the car dealers customer loyalty and important earnings for many years to come and not least independence from the car importers.
Submission of interim report
Copenhagen, 30 August 2017 · OmniCar Holding AB · The board of directors OmniCar Holding AB is required under the Swedish Securities Market Act (lagen om värdepappersmarknaden) to disclose the information provided herein. “This information is information that OmniCar Holiding AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information has been provided by the above contact person for publication on August 30, 2017”.