The Nordic Exchange welcomes Sparekassen Lolland
Sparekassen Lolland is listed on OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen today. The company is the twenty-eight company to join the Nordic Exchange’s main market this year.
Sparekassen Lolland was established in 1870 and has become one of Denmark’s largest savings banks. The main office is situated in Nakskov and the savings bank also has branches on Lolland-Falster, in Næstved, Vordingborg, Roskilde, Køge and on the high street of Copenhagen.
Sparekassen Lolland, which advises on investments, pensions and asset management, serves more than 46.000 customers - an increasing part of them being companies.
”We are happy to welcome Sparekassen Lolland to the Nordic Exchange. The savings bank will be registered under the Financials sector. We can conclude that the inflow of new companies to the Nordic Exchange has been very good - the same goes for the Financials sector. With Sparekassen Lolland 10 new main market companies have joined the sector this year,” says Jan Ovesen, President, OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen.
A round lot of shares in Sparekassen Lolland, whose short name is SPALOL, amounts to 50. The company is included in the Financials sector and is a Mid Cap company.