DRP™ enables Irofulven clinical trial in prostate cancer

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Hoersholm, Denmark; November 8th, 2015 –Oncology Venture has in collaboration with Medical Prognosis Institute A/S, Denmark; Lanthern Pharma Inc., USA;  and Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, have published a poster under the title: “A two stage prospective clinical trial with irofulven treatment targeting a selected subgroup of castration- and docetaxel resistant prostate cancer patients”, at the AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics announcing in Boston  announcing the use of the DRP™ technology for a  planned prospective trial with Irofulven treatment targeting a selected subgroup of castration and docetaxel resistant prostate cancer patients.

An Irofulven DRP™, a gene expression data based Irofulven responsive predictor has been developed. A total of 205 mRNAs were selected for the final response profile which can be converted to a single score of prediction.

Irofulven has been studied in 38 clinical trials (19 published) between 1995 and 2007, for which it has demonstrated promising single agent activity in a range of indications, including HRPC, ovarian, liver and pancreatic cancer, and clinical activity in combination treatments targeting HRPC, colorectal and tyroid cancers. For example, Irofulven demonstrated a 10% response rate in prostate cancer patients pre-treated with docetaxel.

A prospective clinical trial including a screening process is now to be initiated in selected patients with castration – and docetaxel resistant prostate cancer by using the Irofulven DRP™. 600 patients are expected to be screened to find the 10% patients with the highest likelihood of benefit from Irofulven treatment. The aim is to improve the Response Rate to a clinical relevant and approvable level. The primary endpoints are objective response rate and changes in serum PSA. For more information, please see attached poster.

“I look forward to initiate this prospective clinical trial where our DRP® technology will be able to demonstrate its strength and ability to bring effective cancer treatments to the cancer patients.” Says Adjunct Professor Peter Buhl Jensen, M.D., CEO of Oncology Venture.

For further information concerning Oncology Venture please contact:
Peter Buhl Jensen, CEO
Telephone: +45 21 60 89 22
E-mail: pbj@oncologyventure.com

About Oncology Venture Sweden AB
Oncology Venture Sweden AB is engaged in the research and development of anti-cancer drugs via its wholly owned Danish subsidiary Oncology Venture ApS. Oncology Venture has a license to use Drug Response Prediction – DRP™ – in order to significantly increase the probability of success in clinical trials. The business enterprise is based on “rescuing” anti-cancer drugs whose development has been interrupted in the clinical development stage. DRP™ has proven its ability to provide a statistically significant prediction of clinical outcomes from drug treatment in cancer patients in 26 of the 32 clinical studies that were examined.The Company uses a model that alters the odds in comparison with traditional pharmaceutical development. Instead of treating all patients with a particular type of cancer, patients are screened first and only those who are most likely to respond to the treatment will be treated. Via a more well-defined patient group, the risk and costs are reduced while the development process becomes more efficient.