Positive results with DRP™ tool in gastroesophageal cancer

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Hoersholm, Denmark; February 17th, 2016 – Oncology Venture Sweden AB (OV:ST) announces that Medical Prognosis Institute A/S, in collaboration with Aarhus University Hospital, publishes positive results in the online journal PLOS ONE of a clinical test of its Drug Response Predictor (DRP™) technology in patients with gastroesophageal cancer.

Based on a pre-treatment biopsy, MPI’s DRP™ was able to predict retrospectively which patients would benefit from standard chemotherapy. "The miRNA profile predictive for sensitivity to cisplatin, epirubicine and capecitabine was shown to be independently associated with overall survival and disease-specific survival in patients with gastro-esophageal cancer," the conclusion reads.

"This is a further validation of the Drug Response Predictor - DRP™- technology building on microRNA in-licensed from MPI, for which was recently granted a patent in Australia. We are diligently building on strengthening data on the clinical relevance of the DRP™ for the use in drug development," Said Adjunct professor Peter Buhl Jensen, MD, PhD and CEO of Oncology Venture.

Link to the publication: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0148070

About the Drug Response Predictor (DRP™) screening tool
Oncology Venture uses the MPI DRP™ to select those patients that by the gene signature in their cancer is found to have a high likelihood of response to the drug. The goal is to develop the drug for the right patients and by screening patients before treatment the response rate can be significantly increased and costs and timelines can be decreased.

This DRP™ method builds on the comparison of sensitive vs. resistant human cancer cell lines including genomic information from cell lines combined with clinical tumor biology and clinical correlates in a systems biology network. The DRP™ based on microRNA is used on certain products where the DRP™ based on messenger RNA is more broadly useable and more validated.

For further information, please contact
CEO Peter Buhl Jensen, Adjunct professor, MD, PhD
Telephone: +45 21 60 89 22
E-mail: pbj@oncologyventure.com

About Oncology Venture Sweden AB
Oncology Venture Sweden AB is engaged in the research and development of anti-cancer drugs via its wholly owned Danish subsidiary Oncology Venture ApS. Oncology Venture has a license to use Drug Response Prediction – DRP™ – in order to significantly increase the probability of success in clinical trials. DRP™ has proven its ability to provide a statistically significant prediction of clinical outcomes from drug treatment in cancer patients in 29 of the 37 clinical studies that were examined. The Company uses a model that alters the odds in comparison with traditional pharmaceutical development. Instead of treating all patients with a particular type of cancer, patients are screened first and only those who are most likely to respond to the treatment will be treated. Via a more well-defined patient group, the risk and costs are reduced while the development process becomes more efficient.

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