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  • op5 Employee Newly Elected to Prestigious Position as Member of Nagios Enterprises Community Advisory Board

op5 Employee Newly Elected to Prestigious Position as Member of Nagios Enterprises Community Advisory Board

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Andreas Ericsson, Systems Architect and Software Engineer with leading Swedish OSM (open source management) company op5, has been elected to the prestigious Nagios Enterprises Community Advisory Board. The 7-member Board’s purpose is to strengthen the Nagios community, product and brand. Nagios is a popular open source system and one of the most widely recognized and used open source monitoring tools available today. op5 supplies software based on open source for control of IT systems and networks, and utilises Nagios as a key project in op5 Monitor.

Andreas Ericsson, Systems Architect and Software Engineer with op5, is a new member of the Nagios Enterprises Community Advisory Board. The seven member strong advisory board is comprised of some of the most active Nagios contributors, with experts from Sweden, the UK, Germany and Canada.

Advisory Board members help to steer the direction of the Nagios community. Nagios Enterprises values input from the Board when it comes to making major decisions that could impact the Nagios project and/or community. One example of this is the upcoming Nagios trademark policy.

Nagios is a popular open source computer system and network monitoring application software. It is one of the most widely recognized and used open source monitoring tools available today. Nagios was written and is currently maintained by Ethan Galstad, along with a group of developers actively maintaining both official and unofficial plugins. Nagios was originally designed to run under Linux, but also runs well on other Unix variants.

op5 utilises Nagios as a key project in op5 Monitor. op5 focuses on adding enterprise necessary features such as full system support, web based change management, reports and packaging the whole system from OS level to end user interface as an easy to install and easy to maintain product. This greatly reduces the need for customer inhouse experts. It also makes the system much easier to use. See http://www.op5.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=37&Itemid=4.

Andreas Ericsson has been employed by op5 since 2003. He is currently involved with developing op5’s new reporting engine. Andreas is autodidactic (self-tought) in the field of IT, programming and open source. He started programming at the age of seven, using an old Commodore 64. Andreas early started contributing to many different open source projects and has over the years contributed to among others Linux (the kernel), Apache, git, Samba, OpenSSH, Postfix, Nagios, nagios-plugins, Cacti, mpg123, gnumix, mplayer, GNU coreutils, glibc, libmm, libmcrypt, libmhash, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Lately, he has focused on git and Nagios.

Downloadable photographs for publishing of Andreas Ericsson can be found at www.op5.com

Nagios Enterprises is a company founded by Nagios creator and lead developer Ethan Galstad. Nagios Enterprises’ purpose is to strengthen the Nagios community, product, and brand by offering professional, value-added products and services to organizations in need of monitoring solutions. Nagios Enterprises offers a variety of professional services for and around Nagios.

Nagios Enterprises sees itself as “community powered”; It formed a Community Advisory Board from day one. Since Nagios’ inception in 1999, the Nagios Community has grown to thousands of users wordwide, spanning every conceivable industry. The vibrant community around the project has been extremely instrumental in its success.

About op5
op5 is a world leading OSM – open source management – company that supplies software based on open source for control of IT systems and networks. op5’s main products are op5 Monitor, op5 Statistics and op5 LogServer. The products are based on open source that op5 adds to and develops further, sells as complete systems, and supports.

Target groups are companies and other organizations, including governments, parastatals and municipalities, with larger data networks and needs for operations monitoring. op5 has approximately 200 clients, e.g. AGA Linde Gas, Liseberg, Max Matthiessen, Intrum Justitia, TNT, Crosskey Banking Solutions, Swedish National Agency for Higher Education, Swedish Customs and other parastatals, and several county councils, municipalities and municipal companies.

op5 was founded in 2003. The company has 25 employees at its offices in Stockholm and Gothenburg. op5 is owned by the founders and the employees, and investors KTH Chalmers Capital and Pod Venture Partners. 

See www.op5.com.


For additional information contact:

Johan Berg
CEO, op5 AB
Phone: +46 8 23 02 28
Mobile: +46 733 703 025
Email: johan.berg@op5.se


Andreas Ericsson
Systems Architect and Software Engineer, op5
Phone: +46 8-23 02 25                 
Email: andreas.ericsson@op5.se

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