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  • op5 enters the US market by signing a strategic partnership with TruePath Technologies

op5 enters the US market by signing a strategic partnership with TruePath Technologies

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The Swedish network monitoring company op5 AB, competing with giants like IBM, HP, CA and Microsoft, has signed a strategic partnership with the U.S. based company TruePath Technologies, Rochester, New York. The partnership includes that TruePath will sell, implement and support op5 products on the U.S. market.

̶ We are very pleased to have TruePath Technologies as a professional partner and are looking forward to the cooperation. The U.S. market is the world's largest software market and we have over the past two years, noticed a growing interest from the U.S. and Canada. We have delivered our systems to larger and larger companies, most of them, with operations in both the U.S. and Europe. Our cooperation with TruePath Technologies provides us with a direct opportunity to further improve our ability to support these customers, says Fredrik Åkerström, Sales Manager at op5.

̶ op5 changed our way of thinking to give the customer a choice that we feel is the leader in network monitoring software, states Senior Engineer and Founder of True Path Technlogies, Douglas Mauro. ”Our customers value our opinion in giving them the best services and products they need along with a trusted relationship that speaks above the rest. TruePath felt it was time to answer the call when asked for help with choosing the best monitoring software packages with their high level of monitoring service.”

TruePath Technologies is a leading service provider that leverages the customer IT team's knowledge giving the team the ability to monitor, report, react and fix issues within the infrastructure. TruePath work with the customer to define what monitoring software tools are needed. TruePath configure and maintain the monitoring tools and the customer use them.

̶ For several years, we have consistently worked to broaden and deepen our commitment to the Open Source Community. We organize an annual developer conference, Nordic Meet on Nagios,* and work closely with Nagios Inc. providing support services and we have of course our own projects (see www.op5.org), says Jan Josephson, CEO op5 AB. He continues: We see an increasing international interest for our company and our products. Much of this interest is from U.S. based companies, but with this cooperation we will simply be closer to our customers and our open source friends."

*Largest OSS-project in Network Monitoring, Nagios.

About TruePath Technology
TruePath Technology based in Rochester, New York, is a Network and Enterprise Monitoring Service Company. TruePaths's specialty is identifying the best solutions for business clients by installing, configuring and managing all aspects of client enterprise monitoring

About op5 AB
op5 AB is a world leading OSM – Open Source Management – company that delivers software based on open source for control of IT systems and networks. Its main products are op5 Monitor, op5 Statistics and op5 LogServer. The products are based on open source code that op5 further develops, packages, and sells as complete products and systems with services and support.
 op5 has a large selection of primarily European clients from different market segments for example AGA Linde Gas, The Swedish Customs Service (Tullverket) and other parastatals, several county councils, municipalities and municipal companies. op5 was founded in 2003. The company is based in Sweden with offices in Stockholm and Gothenburg. 



For additional information please contact:
Jan Josephson,
CEO, op5 AB

Cell phone: +46-707-25 09 00

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