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  • SunGard Availability Service chooses op5 Monitor for best overview of network services

SunGard Availability Service chooses op5 Monitor for best overview of network services

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SunGard Availability Services customers demands 100 % availability. In fact SunGard’s mission is keeping people and information connected. With op5 Monitor SunGard has the possibility to add different services and possibilities for that purpose.

– Our customers demands uninterrupted access to critical data and regardless of whatever happens the company activity must continue. We were recommended op5 Monitor of one of our customers and we decided to leave the system we already had, says Kenneth Karlsson, responsible for IT at SunGard in Sweden. The old system was dependent of one platform and we choosed op5 Monitor which is based on Open Source instead. Now we have better functionality and it is easier to configure and support the maintainance. You can even say that we now sleep better at night because we know and rely on Monitor to give us alarms if it is necessary, Kenneth tells.

Uniterrupted access to critical information means that, regardless of whatever happens, you can continue to perform your business. SunGard offers a multitude of  services that includes business availability, information security and technology solutions.  The company has been working with information availability for more than 20 years.

An important aspect is to handle a broad technical perspective. SunGard customers have many different solutions for their specific systems. The system overview must take care of this in a easy way so that services and applications can be overviewed in an affective way. op5 Monitor has that capability through the open source interface.

op5  Products is developed from an amount of projects from the Open Source world. Through an userfriendly interface, technical basic functions and a comprehensive support including new releases, the company delivers a complete system that competes with the ordinary “closed systems”. The customer has access to the source code and is free to add or modify functions for his own company without special tools or special consultant time.

– In a company like SunGard there are extreme demands of high quality surveillance and fast alarm alerts. The customers  buy services and solutions within Information Availability. When something happens that is not supposed to happen happens a customer SunGard helps to rebuild the systems. Reliable and trustworthy alarms and systems is the highest priority for them at that point. We are happy that op5 Monitor is the choice for SunGard, says Jan Josephson, Managing Director for op5 AB.


For more information

Jan Josephson, Managing Director of op5 AB, phone +46 8-23 02 28, cell.phone +46 707-25 09 00,
e-mail  jan.josephson@op5.se

Kenneth Karlsson, responsible for IT at SunGard in Sweden, phone +46 8-666 32 76, e-mail kenneth.karlsson@sungard.se

About SunGard
SunGard is a leading company in disaster recovery specialist in information security and Internet security. The Swedish company established in 1982 and is since 2002 a part of the U.S. group SunGard Data Systems.
SunGard Availability Services started in 1978 and is a pioneer in the field of information security. The Group is headquartered in Philadelphia, USA and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. A total of responsible parent and subsidiary companies for over 10 000 corporate customers data security in both the U.S. and Europe, Africa and Asia.
The Swedish subsidiary, SunGard Availability Services, has a 20-year industry experience. SunGard provides services and solutions in the field of information security, which includes that on their equipment back up clients' IT operations, storage, security backups and test backups and systems. They also offer backup jobs and services in the form of security consulting and technical studies with a focus on developing effective backup solutions.

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