OptiFreeze signs test agreement with leading European supplier
OptiFreeze has signed an agreement with a leading European dried vegetables and spices supplier. The agreement is a direct result of successful tests carried out on the client products. Should these tests succeed further, it is the intention of the parties to sign a commercial facility purchase agreement.
OptiDry is the OptiFreeze technology for dried vegetables and spices treatment. The OptiDry process dramatically decrease drying times, while at the same time improving the colour and aroma. During the fall, this concept was verified through tests carried out on products from a leading European player. These tests were carried out at the OptiFreeze Lund facility.
The collaboration will now enter its next phase. The parties have signed an agreement whereby full scale industrial tests will be carried out at the client facilities. These tests will be carried out in December and co-founded by the client.
Göran Hedbys, the OptiFreeze Chairman, says:
”The OptiDry customer segment is one of three Top Priority segments. During the fall we have cultivated end clients and businesses within the OptiFresh, OptiFlower and OptiDry segments. To now be able to see these talks resulting in concrete action is very satisfactory. The client with whom we are now signing this agreement realizes the vast qualitative gains affecting both their product as well as the supply chain savings. It is the intention of both our company and of the client for these tests to result in a commercial agreement implementing OptiCept as one of their production standards.”
”As we are now demonstrating scalability as well as industrial production capacity at our Lund Facility, the number of client contacts has dramatically increased within all segments. This proves our solution to be unique and providing vast client benefits. In the near future, OptiFreeze will strengthen both its sales department and our client cultivation further.”
For more information, please contant:
Göran Hedbys, OptiFreeze AB Chairman
Phone: +46 735 29 95 444
E-Mail: goran.hedbys@optifreeze.se