Year End Report 2019

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 Important Steps towards Commercial Breakthrough 

 Year End Report 2019 

Summary of quarter Q4 2019 

The following summary refers to the period 1/10/2019 – 31/12/2019, compared to 1/10/2018 – 31/12/2018 

Net sales for this period totaled to SEK 347,174 (SEK 311,886) 

Operating result for the period of SEK -2,484,934 (SEK -1,640,324) 

Capitalized development costs of SEK 738,113 (SEK 151,804) 

Average number of registered shares 11,059,980 (9,877,264 shares) 

Result per share* SEK -0.22 (SEK -0.17) 

*Result per share is calculated on the average number of registered shares during the period. 

Summary of Q1-Q4 2019 

The following summary refers to the period 1/1/2019 – 31/12/2019, compared to 1/1/2018 – 31/12/2018 

Net sales for this period totaled to SEK 3,481,431 (SEK 1,237,988) 

Operating result for the period of SEK -8,327,956 (SEK -6,840,659) 

Cash and bank balance SEK 13,697,509 (SEK 6,819,997) 

Capitalized development costs of SEK 2,038,871 (SEK 1,370,801) 

Average number of registered shares 10,279,167 (9,877,264 shares) 

Result per share* SEK -0.81 (SEK -0.69) 

Equity Ratio 90.1% (82.7%) 

Financial overview 

KSEK Q4, 2019 Q4, 2018 Q1-Q4, 2019 Q1-Q4, 2018
Operating income 1,126 464 5,572 2,646
Operating result -2,485 -1,640 -8,326 -6,837
Net result  -2,485 -1,640 -8,328 -6,841
Total assets 25,283 18,245 25,283 18,245
Cash and bank equivalents 13,698 6,820 13,698 6,820
Equity 22,790 15,083 22,790 15,083
Equity ratio, % 90.14 82.67 90.14 82.67
Average number of registered shares in the period 11,059,980 9,877,264 10,279,167 9,877,264
Number of registered shares at the end of the period 11,059,980 9,977,264 11,059,980 9,877,264
Result per registered share before and after dilution, SEK -0.22 -0.17 -0.81 -0.69


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