OrderYOYO announces result of Extraordinary General Meeting
Company Announcement No. 28 -2022
Decisions of general meeting
Copenhagen, July 7, 2022
Results of OrderYOYO A/S’ (“OrderYOYO”) Extraordinary General Meeting 2022
Today, OrderYOYO held an Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with the notice and the agenda announced on June 22, 2022.
The following resolutions were adopted:
- Approval to increase the authorisation to the board of directors in article 6.1 of the articles of association, whereby the board of directors’ existing authorisation is increased to issuance of up to 9,679,158 warrants granting the right to subscribe for shares in OrderYOYO within the same share class as that of the existing shares in the company of nominally DKK 0.01 each and up to a total nominal amount of DKK 96,791.58 and approval of the capital increase related to the exercise of warrants and to further carry out the consequential amendments of the articles of association of the company in connection with utilization of the authority proposed.
- Approval to amend section 6.1 of the articles of association reflecting the increased authorisation to issue warrants adopted at the extraordinary general meeting.
- Approval to authorise the board of directors subject to applicable legislation in the period until July 7, 2027, on one or more occasions on behalf of OrderYOYO to acquire treasury shares of up to a total nominal amount of DKK 296,089.01 (corresponding to 29,608,901 shares) at market price being the average closing price applicable to the existing shares in the period covering five (5) business days prior to the date of the acquisition of shares.
- Election of Adrian Fröhling to the board of directors.
For additional information, please contact
Jesper Johansen, CEO
Mobile (+45) 21 67 84 92
Email jesper.johansen@orderyoyo.com
OrderYOYO A/S Masnedøgade 26, 2100 Copenhagen Ø
Certified Advisor
Grant Thornton
Jesper Skaarup Vestergaard
Mobile (+45) 31 79 90 00
Grant Thornton Stockholmsgade 45, 2100 Copenhagen Ø
About OrderYOYO
OrderYOYO is a leading European online ordering, payment, and marketing software solution provider. OrderYOYO’s solution is offered as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and enables small independent takeaway restaurants to have their own-branded online presence direct to consumers. OrderYOYO helps takeaway restaurants drive online takeaway orders through their own tailored software solution in the individual takeaway restaurant’s own brand - we liberate restaurants.