Editor-in-Chief of Rzeczpospolita - Recruitment process terminated

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Orkla Media has looked into the possibility of recruiting a new Editor-in-Chief after discussions with Grzegorz Gauden on how the newspaper could strengthen its position in the highly competitive newspaper market in Poland. Orkla Media and Grzegorz Gauden concluded that the responsibility as Editor-in-Chief and President could be divided on two persons in order to give the daily newspaper an even stronger management team.
Orkla Media, as majority owner, informed PW Rzeczpospolita SA, the minority owner, about the process. According to the Deeds of Association in Presspublica, the appointment of a new Editor-in-Chief requires the consent of both owners. Unfortunately PW and Orkla Media could not agree on a common candidate. The process has therefore been terminated, and Grzegorz Gauden has accepted to continue as Editor-in-Chief as well as President.
- Orkla Media regrets that no solution could be found, but will continue their efforts to strengthen Rzeczpospolita's position. Orkla Media has confidence in the management team in Presspublica and their work to improve the quality of the newspaper.
